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This was my second TEDx talk, the first one was in my local town Clonakilty 3 years ago. I tell a story about a patient I nursed 30 years ago in Sydney. Her name was Maria and she shared some very wise words with me. I’ve kept her message with me for all these years as I didn’t think I had a right to share the story. But I now realise I don’t have the right not to.
I’d love you to take a look at the talk.
Feel free to give it a ‘thumbs up’ on Youtube and write a comment.
But thanks to a word in my ear from our amazing speaker coach Padraig Hyland, I refocused myself and surrendered to doing my talk imperfectly. I went out there and told Maria’s story. It was tough but it was worth it. Because at the end of the day, it wasn’t about me. I had a message to share and it was my duty to share it.
Be bold. Be brave. Because your dreams matter.