I’m starting a new series called Confessions of a 6 Figure Coach. What I am repeatedly saying to my clients is usually an area I need to focus on as well. Lately I have tried to inspire my clients to speak their truth, to say what they believe is true and to communicate what they are truly passionate about without censoring themselves. Being authentic in front of your audience really emphasizes who you are, where you’re coming from, what your message is, who you are here to help and how you can help them.

We often get to see the bright shiny facade in the on-line world, particularly on Facebook, where it looks like everything is perfect and it is so easy to make 6 figures a month. As you know, I work with women to help them make lots of money doing what they love. There is a lot more to it than just slapping up an offer and offering it for sale. I want to shine a light on what is true and what is not.

It is very easy to market your services in a sensationalist way and get people’s attention, but if it is coming from an inauthentic place you are not doing business in a sustainable way. I have used that ‘sensationalist’ marketing style before and even though it got people’s attention and I was able to sell to those people, it wasn’t great. Working from a grounded, authentic place brings a lot more ease. When I do things in a way that isn’t really aligned with who I am, the clients I attract are not an aligned match.

In the Confessions of a 6 Figure Coach series I am going to spill the beans on what has worked for me and what hasn’t worked, what investments have been great and the ones that were not so great, about how I get in touch with my vision.

The first video in the series will be about the real truth about fear in business and what to do with it when you are feeling paralyzed by fear. I will talk very honestly about when I have been full of fear in my business.

Let me know what you would like to know, what you would like me to confess! I am not going to hold back!

The Truth about FEAR

I used to think it was the Holy Grail of business to get to that elusive 6 figure business. I remember being part of a higher level membership programme and there was a separate section for women who were at 6 figures. It was like an elite group (they even had to prove your 6 figures with screenshots etc). At that time I couldn’t wait to be part of that 6 figure group!  Now that I’ve been at 6 figures for several years, it makes me laugh because, really, it’s not a whole lot different. I used to think I would be a completely different person when I reached that goal.

Fear has paid regular visits on my journey in business. At the moment I’m preparing for to fly to the UK for my 1 day event in London. I just love being in the room with other female entrepreneurs to support them on their journey in business.

A couple of years ago I was travelling abroad to speak at an event. I was travelling there to tell women how to make money in their business. The reality was that I had a serious cash flow problem at that time. I also had a problem with my bank account and couldn’t access it properly. As a back-up plan I was going to call in to our local Credit Union (which is a sort of bank) to collect some cash to take along, but I forgot that the credit union closes at 1 pm on certain days.

I had to get on the airplane virtually without cash. I had my business bank card but it had played up in the past and I hadn’t always worked abroad.

I felt like such a fraud going to an event to talk about making money when I didn’t have enough money myself! I knew the running costs of the event were probably going to be around £1000. I was terrified I wasn’t going to be able to pay the bill. I even had nightmares about being arrested by the police because I couldn’t pay my bill. I woke up in a sweat, overcome by fear. That paralyzing fear stayed with me all weekend.

The event went really well and everyone was delighted with it. There were no problems when I tried to pay with the card. After that experience I decided not to let fear stop me every again.

What really affected me was what I was letting it mean about me. I told myself that I wasn’t a good person, that I wasn’t a good business woman, that I wasn’t good enough, that essentially I was a fraud. The truth is that the amount of money in your account doesn’t make a difference. We are here to serve those who need our services.

When I feel that fear coming up now, I try to approach it mindfully. I acknowledge it (oh hello fear, is that you), I let it go and I carry on. What always works for me when I feel that fear creeping in, is to go and help somebody. I ask myself how I can serve my people.

Fear is just a thought. It’s normal that these thoughts will come at some point. Sometimes it’s like a thought storm or even hurricane in our heads. When we don’t have enough clients, or there isn’t enough cash flow we easily fall into the trap of thinking we are not good enough. That is simply not true. It just means we need to go on and help somebody. The money and the clients will come. People need your help.

When you feel the fear, you just need to carry on. You just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will be successful.

With love,
