by Sarah Leather | Aug 2, 2017 | Business Coaching, Get More Clients!, Mindset Mastery, Tips for Better Business
It’s time to tell the truth! Telling the truth in your business and life is essential to grow your beautiful business with way more grace and ease, without the stress, without the push and the hassle, and maybe even without Facebook Ads. I really feel that I...
by Sarah Leather | Jun 14, 2017 | Business Coaching, Mindset Mastery, Stop self sabotage, Tips for Better Business
Mindset is everything if you want to be successful in business and life! We often stop ourselves from being successful, sabotaging ourselves at the most crucial times. The most important aspect of success mindset is SELF-CARE. Without self-care you can’t...
by Sarah Leather | May 17, 2017 | Business Coaching, Get More Clients!, Sales, Selling with ease, Tips for Better Business
In order to sell you have to get inside your clients’ head and step into their shoes. You need to know how your ideal client thinks so you can speak your client’s language when you speak to him/her in a sales conversation I would like to share 3 tips to get inside...
by Sarah Leather | Apr 23, 2017 | Business Coaching, Get More Clients!, Sales, Sales Calls, Tips for Better Business
You are probably familiar with the term ‘sales calls’. They are often dressed up as ‘Strategy Sessions’, ‘Discovery Calls’ or ‘Clarity Calls’. Sales calls are a way of getting potential clients on the phone to see if...
by Sarah Leather | Jul 29, 2016 | Business Coaching
The latest ‘One Minute Message’ video is ready for you and it’s called ‘Drop the Drama’. Many of us are addicted to drama in our lives and it becomes like our very own Soap Opera. It creates so many problems, destroys our productivity and...
by Sarah Leather | Jul 8, 2016 | Business Coaching, Income Streams