I would like to share 3 tips to get inside your clients’ head with you:
1. Speak to your clients and ask questions
2. Listen deeply
3. Get on the other side of the bed
1. Speak to your ideal clients and ask them questions
If you already have clients, you can ask them relevant questions like:
- What was it that made you contact me?
- What stood out for you?
- What was happening for you around the time that you reached out to me?
Later in the conversation you can rephrase those questions to get different answers. Write down what your client says. I have worked in different niches over the years and I have noticed that what clients say when they first reach out to me is often the same: ‘I’m stuck. I need to be rescued. I can’t keep going like this. This is unbearable.’
A lot of us have come quite a long way on the journey in the area we work in. We have been where our clients and our potential clients are now. When we speak to our clients, we speak from that place of our ‘evolved’ self who has been through the journey, so it is important to know exactly where your prospective client is at.

2. Listening
3. Get on the other side of the bed
People don’t want sympathy. They want empathy. Only when you really understand where the other person is at can you help them at a deep level. Imagine how it feels to be in their situation, and how it would feel to be out of the situation when the problem is solved or when the way they feel about the problem changes. Step into their shoes.
During the first phone call potential clients often said to me ‘you really get this and that’s why I am going to work with you. You really get where I’m at. You understand’. And the truth is that I do understand. I understand what it’s like to go through bouts of having no clients, to have money struggles or to be wanting to do different work, wanting to follow your dream but not being able to figure out how. People can hear that when I am talking to them during sales conversations. That’s why you hardly have to sell at all once you have these 3 pieces in place: ask questions, listen deeply and get on the other side of the bed.
If you have any questions, please leave them below and I will get back to you.
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With love,